jueves, 13 de diciembre de 2007
The people that often uses them are the people who don't have time for lunch or dinner, the people with a low economic standard like the youngsters of among 15 and 28 years that they want to go out to dinner or lunch, etc.
The fast food has got advantage and disadvanatge. Of advantages there are few a lot but like advantage can be found the speed of the services, the saving of money, the fact that wins time ti make other things...and wherever goes always there are some establishment of this type. Seems to be that all this, picks up a lot the attention of the people because every time there are more persons that uses these services.
But the people don't think with the consequence and there are a lot of them. For example the fast food as has got many calories makes that many energies are ingested, with a sun meal ingests more of half of necessary energy that needs a day and, so this provokes the excees of weight, the obesity. And the obesity is a very serious problem.
In a conclusion, the fast food isn't good for health and is better forget it. And if is very necessary could be found new alternatives.
Catalonia Today
The festival of mediavals begun in 7th of september and finished at 10. Those days the people that live in Castelló d'Empúries wore with the typical clothes of this age, in addition, this year celebrated the thousand year aniversary of the town, and did a special activities that the others years they didn't do. In a conclusion, this time the people of the town for a little time live how did the ancestor.
Some languages items that I learnt with this article:
Sword: weapon with a longe thin metal blade and a protected handle.
Joost: a man with a rank of honour given by the king or Queen for this services to the country, having the tittle "Sir" before this name.
Hold: to keep or support using one's norms or hands or another part of the body.
martes, 4 de diciembre de 2007
In my opinion living in the city is very extressed because there are a lot of noise of cars and bus generally there are a lot of traffic. The traffic besides the noise that it causes, produces a movement slow and that also it makes that the persons become aggressive. Everybody uses the "pito" of the car with which they circulate and they insult themselves among them. The traffic in the city is very horrible. You can't circulate there. Another thing is found a parking, is truly impossible, you have to be going round during an hour at least to park your car.
The good things that living in the city have are the shops. You can find a lot of shops of clothes, food about everything that you want buy.
If I have to decide if life in a city or in a town I prefere one million times life in a village. Because it's very quite, isn't any noise. There isn't traffic and it's more beautiful. Now I live in Sant Pere Pescador and loves me a lot and is for this reason that I wouldn't go to live in Figueres for nothing of the world.
And you, what you prefer live in a city or in a village?
domingo, 2 de diciembre de 2007
Marina's and Sara's oral presentation
martes, 27 de noviembre de 2007
A little summary of Thirteen 13 film
The Thirteen 13 film is a reality film, because show the live of two adolescents.
To the thirteen, the majority of adolescents think to know it everything and to be in possession of the truth. The friendships're very influential and the youngsters don't see anydanger.
The life gives a gyration to Tracy (Evan Rachel Wood), a diligent student of thirteen years, when Evie (Nikki Reed) the most popular and beautiful girl of the school becomes her friend and she drags her for a world of sex, crime and drugs. This history about the adolescence is scandalous, gripping and difficult to forget it.
viernes, 23 de noviembre de 2007
Levi’s advertisement tries selling us clothes of this brand. Levi’s brand sells clothes for people since 15 to 35 years old. This advertisement is erotic and if you wear this brand of clothes you feel sexier and also more attractive. It’s attractive because it shows that if you wear this product you get sex. The advertisement it’s influential because it’s a famous brand and there are some clothes that like us a lot. We comment this advert because we see on TV and it like a lot, the reason is because it’s very original and sensual.
The music and sound in this advert there are a modern song that uses to show the new collection clothes. The audience when see the advert and listen this music maybe are attracted to them because the music is sensual and describes a scene of love. The pace of the music has changes during the song. At the beginning the pace is more quickly than the end where the music is very slow. The pace change because first describes the scene of love and it’s more quickly and the end of the advert the song is more slow because they find the perfect clothes.
This advert hasn’t got any special effects. The colors of the clothes drawing the attention because the colors of the house are more dull to focus the attention to the clothes. There is a logo which shows at the end of the advert.
The people who appear in this advert is a young men and a young women about 20 to 30 years, but these people are changing when change them clothes, and this represents the different ages. They have a romantic moment where they are changing them clothes to find the sex moment with the perfect jeans.
This advert hasn’t got slogan also any words only the song.
jueves, 22 de noviembre de 2007
This's the speaking that I did with Marina and Sara L one day in the corner class.
It's a very real speaking about friends that met in the street and talk about some day.
miércoles, 31 de octubre de 2007
The Others
Hello friends!
Today I talk about the film we watched on Halloween, it calls the Others and it's exciting!
The title of the film refers to the people that everybody think that they are death really they are alive and the people alive like Grace and her sons are death or spirits. Amenábar create an horror atmosphere with some elements like the darkness, an old and large house with a big dark garden, the weather is always cloudy and the people in the house speaks very peacefuly. I think the atmosphere of the film is perfect so I wouldn't like to add any more.
The film set in the first mundial war (1914-1918), Amenabar show it to us because Grace's husband dies in this war.
Grace feels sad and worry because her daughter Anne has a lot of imagination and she misses her husband and she feels alone in the big house. She educates her sons in the house because her children can't see the sun. First of all it seems that Grace isn't crazy but at the end of the film her madness is demostrated because Anne explain to the old woman that her mother killed them and then she killed herself.
Anne and Nicholas are allergic to the sun so they live in the darkness. The courtins of the house always are closed.
The housekeepers know all the truth and they would like to explain it to Grace but it's difficult so they hide things that demostrate that they are ghosts.
I know another film of Alejandro Amenabar, it calls "Mar Adentro". Alejandro has 38 years old when he directed The Other film. It won eight Goya Awards including awards for Best Film and Best Director. This was the first Spanish film ever to receive the Best Film Award at the Goyas (Spain's national film awards) with not a single word of Spanish spoken in it.
I think that the Others can be considered a film representative of Gothic fiction because the atmophere of the film has got all the characteristiques of this kind of films.
viernes, 12 de octubre de 2007
miércoles, 30 de mayo de 2007
LaSt OrAl pReSeNtAtIoN!!!
jueves, 24 de mayo de 2007
SeCoNd OrAl ExPoSiTiOn
OrAl ExPoSiTioN
In the first oral exposition I explain things about me, what do in summer, my friends, etc....
miércoles, 23 de mayo de 2007
martes, 22 de mayo de 2007
The person that I describe says Marvin and lives in Figueras.
I talk about my exboyfriend, he's called Marvin and he's sixteen yearas old, like me.
Marvin was born ins Honduras, but when he was seven yearas old he went to Figueres with his mother and his sister, because their father abandoned him. Then they didn't have any money and it for this reason that they come here.
I know him four yearas ago, when I did frist of Eso he went to my school for studying too. We were so much friends.
Marvin is darker but he isn't black. He has got a very beautiful brown eyes, his hair's brown too and a bit wavy, Marvin's tall and thin, I also say that he quite strength.
I don't like him only for this, I like him too because he's nice and undertanding. When we are alone he's a special way but when we're with his friens he changes a lot, he becomes stubborn. Finally, I was tired of his behaviour and I left him, but still I love him
domingo, 20 de mayo de 2007

Well, the portfolio is like a kind of folder where we pick up all what we have made during the course: 3redaccions, 3 speakings, 3oral presentation, what we have made to class...
I put now this entrance because I thinking now that first I had to put this entrance-
A kiss and here I leave you with my work