(Transcription of my oral)
Mari speaks
Sara: The first stage that we find is a infatuation. Infatuation gives when one, when you find another person who can understand you and make you happy. During this stage, the person in love feels attract, important and make you happy.
Another characteristic that we, we find in the, in the, in the infatuation is that we get dress and move different, a also the the most of the times you can know that you're in love if the next things happens to you, for example when you see the boy or the girl that likes you, your pulse speed up, you have the slack laugh..and you need the other, admire the other and avoi the criticize to the other. And the most..ai! The biggest hope in your live is like to the other. Well I'm sure that all of you feels a little bite identifity with this stage.
Mari speaks
Sara: The third stage is the treachery. The treachery gives when one of two look for a third person where, who...for find the things that his couple hasn't got, as physical appearence or intellectualistic. For haven't got this problems professionals recommend keep the good conversation, keep the ribbon of the union and renew the acord of the couple.
Generally, in a couple where there are some incidents of infidelity the, the...the relationship finish with a crisis or in the most of the case with the split up of the couple.
So, the last stage is the breaking-off that gives when the problems are insurmountable and they decide separete or divorce . In a conclusion, they take different course on the life. And well, here our presentation is finish and if you have any questions about this, is the moment for do it and thank you for your attention.
(The video of the oral)
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